I barely remember New Years eve and the beginning of 2013 (and being in Syd right now and my intention books back up in Cairns, I've got no reference either). There are a few things I remember wanting to work and play towards in 2013 and I can say that I'm super happy that they happened for me:
Dec 31, 2013
Dec 24, 2013
Now, I don't want to be another someone online who is agreeing with the perception that Christmas is stressful, busy, unpleasant, and all about spending money on gifts for people we only see at this time of the year (and thus this post). If Christmas is all that for you, you can choose to change it, or keep it as is.
For me, I love Christmas. Always have, always will. However, I do notice that I can fall into stressful periods, and have come to learn a few game changers for me at this time of the year that make a huge difference. Even if we aren't buying into the collective consciousness of busyness, anxiety, shopping mall car-park madness, those closest to us may be, and that can affect us.
Dec 20, 2013

Who doesn't love a good rum ball? Boy o boy these have to be one of my favourite Xmas treats by far. I used to buy them from the supermarket and mum and I would slowly but surely demolish every last morsel, oohing and ahhing over how much we loved them - no one else in the house did.
But when my interest in nutrition hit, I realised that most pre-packaged ones are full of crap. A little bit of choc, rum flavour, and a whole lotta preservatives, additives, sugar, fillers, and junk.
So I made my own. And continue to do every year.
Dec 17, 2013
Coconut water has taken off with the coconut craze we are all loving at the moment, and with good reason, it's bloody delicious! Especially up here in Cairns. There is a down side though - many companies are lacing such a natural delicious liquid with sugar, preservatives, and flavours. Who knows why when it's so good straight up. Anyway...
The guys at Raw C Coconut Water however, do not. And they pride themselves on supplying a product with (and I quote) “100% Pure Coconut water - No added sugar, no preservatives, no funny stuff, and not from concentrate." Awesome! And it tastes great. And it's not ridiculously expensive.
Dec 16, 2013
I am so excited to be giving this one away this week. Hands up if you read Mel Ambrosini's blog? I first found this chic online about 4 years ago and from the side lines loved her posts, and seeing her pop up around my area doing food demos and the like. I had a free health coaching session with her over the phone, but I suppose I wasn't ready at the time to dive head first into 6 months of coaching. A year later I was. So I gave her the call. And I can now say that 6 months with this girl will change your life.
So it went without saying that when her first ebook, 12 Steps To Wellness, was out in the world, I snatched a copy quick smart. I instantly scanned every page and drank every word of wellness wisdom beaming off the page (an awesome plane-trip-read too if ever you need one).
Dec 12, 2013
This is a super special double whammy today... I've got the most incredible looking Raw Coconut & Mango Celebration Cake recipe from Jade at Make Your Life Amazing, AND she's so generously giving ONE LUCKY READER a $20 Gift Card for her online or Bondi Market stall, where she makes and sells some high-demand raw treats.
I first met Jade about 6 months ago and we got on beautifully so I can easily say Jade is on a mission to inspire others to live a more amazing life! She believes we can achieve true health and happiness by taking a Holistic approach to nourishing the body, mind, and soul, and as a certified Raw Food Chef, Health & Wellness Coach, and Reiki Healer, she's doing just that.
But first things first... this incredible looking recipe. If you want to WOW the family this Xmas and make something a little less traditional but perhaps a lot more incredible (and with our hot Summer Xmas this is perfect) here's what you've been looking for.
Dec 11, 2013
Today's giveaway is from Gypsy Rose - an Australian range of hair care and skin care products developed over the past 20yrs by Karen Ellis, who is a qualified Hair Colour Specialist and accredited Aromatherapist. So if anyone can make an amazing shampoo and skincare range, Karen can.
I first tried this shampoo, and was giddy with excitement to see kombucha in the ingredients (you all know how much I love my buche juice), and when Karen came up to visit Cairns I got the low down on which products would be best for my skin (and meet the gorgeous soul behind all this).
I fell in love.
Dec 10, 2013
If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, you'll know that I am a HUGE Simply Raw fan, and for many reasons. Yes they are my best friends, but their product is far superior to any other bar I've had. They only use organic ingredients for starters, and they're based in Oz. Every bar is gluten free, wheat free, egg and dairy free, grain free, sugar free, and raw, making them all vegan, kosher, and paleo if you're cool with dried fruit. No emulsifiers, additives or preservatives! Winning!
Simply Raw was established on Janine and Sebastian's passion for health and wellbeing, as they made it their mission to provide pure & healthy alternatives to most other food products with a focus on quality, flavour and nutrition - they nailed it just quietly.
Dec 9, 2013
This week I am uber excited to be giving away my favourite ebook of the year - Spirited. Created by the beautiful Rachel McDonald In Spaces Between and Tara Bliss from Such Different Skies.
From the minute I laid my eyes on this ebook and began reading the pages, I had goosebumps. The sheer beauty of the design is one thing, but the words on the pages, the nodding I found myself doing in agreance with those words, and the profound hitting home of realness these girls share is beyond inspiring; it's encouraging, empowering and supporting. So of course I wanted to share and give this baby away.
Dec 5, 2013
If you haven't tried Coconut Magic coconut oil, you haven't tried the best tasting Australian owned coconut oil on the market. No word of a lie.
This is the smoothest, most delicate and delicious coconut oil around. No funky after-taste, no weird texture, and little chance of rancidity due to their dark amber glass jars.
Coconut Magic was born out of an intimate experience between Jenni Maddison (the whizz-bang genius behind it all), her health, and her synchronistic discovery of coconut oil, on the small island of Ko Samui Thailand.
Gorgeous right?
Dec 4, 2013
Evohe is probably one of the first natural skin care ranges I ever tried. It was this travel pack too. And I loved it.
Having worked in health food stores the past 3years, I also get to try most other brands, which I am super grateful for, but I have to say, Evohe is always the one I recommend.
‘Evohe’ (pronounced E-VO-HE) is a Greek word of Ancient Egyptian origin, meaning ‘Celebration of Life’ which is enough to make you smile and wanna have this stuff is it not? ‘Evohe’ embodies our belief that we are not separate to our environment, but intrinsically connected – an equal component of the biosphere. Beautiful.
Using 100% natural, organic ingredients, of the highest quality, this is sustainable luxury at its best.
Dec 3, 2013
Ooh I've got yet another delicious giveaway for your body, mind and soul... a Sacred Self Self-Love Alchemical Oil is up for grabs.
Sacred Self began in 2003, as a private exploration when the founder and owner, Michelle McGrath kept asking herself what she most needed. The answer was self-love, and she saw herself creating a bottle of self-love.
Tucked away in her love-powered alchemical haven, she began experimenting with creating oils and perfumes with vibrational essences with surprisingly successful results. She never dreamt that these potent bottles of magic would bloom into an international business, and yet it has.
Michell's Sacred Self alchemical oils and perfumes are enjoyed by men and women ‘round the world, who are committed to loving and accepting themselves.
Dec 2, 2013
IT'S HERE! The Eat.More.Plants XMAS GIVEAWAY! I'm ready to giveaway pressies to you and boy-o-boy have I got something so totally scrum-diddily-umptious Day #1.
When I first thought to do a Xmas Giveaway, this was one of the first pressies I knew I wanted to give you guys. Why? Because this chic makes food like no other. Take my word for it.
Candice Aiken is a magic kitchen machine, and I can so gratefully say that she is also a dear friend having ventured far north to live up in Cairns for the past 8 months. And this girl knows how to make raw vegan cake. Ooh la la.
And she's done it again, this time with recipes to fit around the festive season with plenty of family favourites, but of course, has made them all ten times better for your health and waist line, complete with bucketloads of flavour!
Nov 28, 2013
We all know it - we're our own worst enemy at times. And we all know
that if our best friends treated us the same way we often treat and
speak to ourselves, they wouldn't be around all that long. So why do we
keep doing it?
I've noticed this week that I'm doing
exactly that. My self-talk has come leaps and bounds this year, as has
backing off on my need to have everything perfect and me be in control.
However I've really been made aware that when my energy levels are super
low and my fatigue and exhaustion rear their (I don't want to say ugly)
heads, I'm much much harder on myself.
Nov 26, 2013
Sweet potato has got to be one of my favourite vegetables of all time. That and onion. Strange? Perhaps. But still, it's the one veg I cant live without. Every meal could be made better with sweet potato in my opinion. Roasts, brekkie pancakes, smoothies, fish and chips, casseroles, the list goes on.
As I came home from a long day at work yesterday, I had sweet potato on my brain, and had to have these.
Nov 21, 2013
It's not something that we see, read, hear about, or even learn much about. It's something that even the science profession are unsure about. There's a lot of grey. But for some of us, electromagnetic radiation plays a huge role in how our health and wellbeing fair - even if we're unaware of it.
The term electromagnetic pollution refers to the radiation given off by all man-made electrical, magnetic, and electromagnetic 'fields' that surround us in our homes, offices and public spaces. It is 'polluting' when it can have detrimental effects on our health and our environment.
And I want to show you why...
Nov 19, 2013
The acai bowl. If you haven't had one yet, you may of heard about them... But if you haven't heard about them, you are missing out on one of Mother Natures finest ingredients. Taste. Nutrition. Feel good factor. Yep this baby has it all. And today I've got a recipe just for you.
Acai is a berry from the Amazon rainforest and one of the 'superfoods'
you may often hear being thrown around in health cafes, blog pages, and
rad magazines. Wondering if it's all it's cracked up to be? Well wonder
no further girl.
Nov 13, 2013

Is the role of cholesterol in heart disease really one of the biggest myths in the history of medicine? For the last four decades we've been told that saturated fat clogs our arteries and high cholesterol causes heart disease. It has spawned a multi-billion dollar drug and food industry of "cholesterol free" products promising to lower our cholesterol and decrease our risk of heart disease.
But what if it all isn't true? What if it's never been proven that saturated fat causes heart disease?
Nov 7, 2013
"The Dirty Dozen" and "The Clean 15" refer to the fruits and veggies that are the most and least contaminated by pesticide use, according to the Environmental Working Group, and it has been updated since 2012 so it's worth a look. Every year, the Environmental Working Group tests over 50 types of
produce to determine which fruits and vegetables contain the highest
concentrations of pesticides, and also those which contain the least amounts.
Nov 5, 2013
It's something I've read about in books, magazines, and on blog sites, and everyone's seems to be different. But that is probably what I like most about finding your own morning routine - you're sure to love it if you make it up yourself!
Why have a morning routine though? I often wondered in the past, is my morning routine me getting out of bed, putting my training gear on, grabbing my stuff for the day and hopping on the train, sneaking a quick double shot espresso before my 2hr gym routine? After all, it was a routine, and I did it in the mornings?!?
Oct 31, 2013
The first time I came across Dr Libby, which was only a few months ago, I was glued to her every word. With a PhD in Biochemistry and having studied Nutrition, she was literally deciphering all the big confusing concepts of science into much smaller chunks that everyday people could take away and understand. Myself included. I’m currently studying Biochemistry and I do love it, only my teacher is not nearly as passionate or able to explain stuff in a way I get – every time.
So I went on and watched every You tube clip of Dr Libby’s and came across a weekend workshop she was doing in Sydney.
Ooh I so wanted to go! But I had kinda just made a commitment to myself to stop spending so much money. Well… B and I had a chat about it and decided to go. I had the money anyway, every bone in my body had already decided I was gonna be there, and low and behold flights that weekend were half the usual price from Cairns. I booked it the following day.
Oct 29, 2013
Hello beautiful people! I've just gotten back from my 4 day trip to Sydney, which was super duper fun.
If you're on my mailing list you'd know that I was going down for Dr Libby's Beautiful You weekend, and catching up with family and friends around that - Dr Libby was spectacular, so watch out for a recap on Thursday.
Up before dawn this morning to fly out and I forget how manic Sydney airport is at 6am on a weekday. F-bombs dropping left, right and centre, pushing through queues, and disgruntled individuals... if you're plane is delayed, it's likely everyone else's is too buddy.
And yes, our plane was an hour late, so by the time B and I got to Cairns, we were staaaaarving!
Oct 24, 2013

If you hadn't already noticed, let me tell you that it is in fact Natural Beauty Week. Yep there is such a thing and I am so happy about it. Encouraging consumers to become more aware of the health and environmental impacts of chemicals used in everyday cosmetics is always a good thing, and to be more discerning about their day-to-day beauty practices, double the fun (there's also prizes to be won but get in quick - competition finishes tomorrow).
I have been using chemical-free facial products, hair care, and cleaning products for a number of years now and I would never go back to the regular stuff you can buy at the supermarkets and department stores (I'm not gonna name names but you know what I'm talking about). Why?
Well, besides the fact that of roughly 10,000 chemicals found in beauty products, 90% haven't been tested for safety (1), I'm poisoning my system.
Oct 22, 2013
Last Saturday afternoon I was super excited and blessed to have the chance to go see Nat Kringoudis speak. Up here in Cairns. Nat is a Melbourne girl so I'm sure the trip seemed very far for her, but going by her Instagram pics of her on the beach in the sun, I don't think she minded one little bit.
Nat was invited up here to do a talk on fertility and hormones, and as a room full of women sat and listened contently - with Soul Kitchen chocolate brownies, pumpkin pie and raw bliss balls in hand - I wish the time we had with Nat were longer. But I still managed to scribble down a whole bunch of notes, I thought I'd share with you my take-home pieces...
Nat was invited up here to do a talk on fertility and hormones, and as a room full of women sat and listened contently - with Soul Kitchen chocolate brownies, pumpkin pie and raw bliss balls in hand - I wish the time we had with Nat were longer. But I still managed to scribble down a whole bunch of notes, I thought I'd share with you my take-home pieces...
Oct 17, 2013
Guest post by Brock Bowen
Who would I be if i chose to be healthy simply for the joy of it?
Not the aesthetics (though this may be a delightful side effect)
Not because strong is the new skinny (or insert other favourite slogan)
Not to fit into your favourite sub culture (paleo, vegan, raw vegan, macrobiotic, organic, eat clean live lean)
Who would I be if i chose to be healthy simply for the joy of it?
Not the aesthetics (though this may be a delightful side effect)
Not because strong is the new skinny (or insert other favourite slogan)
Not to fit into your favourite sub culture (paleo, vegan, raw vegan, macrobiotic, organic, eat clean live lean)
Oct 15, 2013
It's nearing Summer very quickly and that means skimpy clothes, long hot days, bucketloads more socialising and a helluva lot more fun! But it can also mean more running around, xmas shopping maddness, longer days filled with everything we love, but it can potentially take its toll on our body if we are not looking after ourselves. So here are some quick and easy ways to make sure you're looking after yourself and keeping in tip-top condition.
Oct 10, 2013
It’s a strange thing I do when I go visit people’s homes; I love looking in their fridge. B once pulled me up on it as he didn’t think it was appropriate, and I suppose I got where he was coming from, but I don’t do as an act of shame on their part, I do it coz it fascinates me (so watch out!).
In addition to that, yes your fridge says a lot about you. Leftover pizza boxes, half a slab of beer, every type of sauce known to man on the fridge door, soggy iceberg lettuce in the veggie crisper, and a loaf of home brand white sliced bread… not a real picture of health now is it?
Oct 8, 2013
Fancy feeling like her in the hammock? Yep. Read on.
When most people think magnesium they think muscle cramps or eye twitching - as this magic mineral is what helps with both these conditions, and what most people walk into the health food store asking about (that and weight loss). You might be surprised to know then that magnesium is in fact essential for the functioning of more than 300 different biochemical reactions in the body, particularly those that produce, transport, store, and utilize energy. Dr Christiane Northrup writes up that this includes:
Oct 3, 2013
Oct 1, 2013
Sep 26, 2013
NOURISH: The Tastiest Carrot Cake Ever
Who doesn't love carrot cake? I'm yet to meet someone who doesn't, really. This has always been my favourite; even as a little girl I'd eat carrot cake over chocolate cake any day (unless of course there was banana cake around).
This recipe is better than the ones I had as a kid though - this is THE best recipe I have ever made and it's all thanks to the super amazing chef at the Paleo Cafe Cairns - yep, I managed to score a copy of the recipe off him.
Sep 24, 2013
5 Things You Must Do When You're Feeling Under the Weather

It's Spring. The sun is shining. The weather is sweet (ooh get ya groove on Bob Marley). Seasonal allergy's are flying high and people are doing their detoxes and cleanses. It's the second half of the year and (not wanting to sound like I'm wishing it away), Christmas is just around the corner. Argh!
I digress. I do that.
Sep 19, 2013
NOURISH: Spring Bean Salad Recipe
I'm not sure where about in this beautiful world of ours you are currently, but I can tell you that up in Cairns right now, it's getting hotter and hotter. Roast veggies aren't so appealing anymore, nor are any hot foods that require the oven on and in turn my whole house heating up. So, I'm turning to the cold stuff (and making broth after dark) to satisfy my grumbling belly and this here is the perfect antidote to a hot Spring day.
Sep 17, 2013

I'm seeing it more and more; adrenal fatigue and exhaustion issues. The reasons as to why are varied and extensive, and for the basics of helping heal and come out on the other side feeling amazing once more, have a read of my
I wanted to add to that list with a few of the goodies that are a little left of field when it comes to diet.
Sep 12, 2013
NOURISH: Nutty Maca Butter Brittle
This recipe is loosely based around Sarah Wilsons Almond Bark recipe, with additions from another recipe given to me last year. Add the two together and you've got this -- the most delicious snack ever!
This snack is high in protein and healthy fats, great for hormone health, balancing blood sugar, alleviating sweet cravings (without the sugar) and boosts mineral and nutrient content for optimum health.
Sep 10, 2013
Healing with Herbal Teas
Wanting to give a new herbal tea a try but not sure what to get? Taste, price and country of origin all come in for me when choosing a new brew, but what is more important is often the medicinal properties the herbs have.
Sep 5, 2013
Have you had ghee before? Heard of ghee before? It's used a lot in Indian and Ayruvedic cooking if not, and is the most incredible tasting thing ever!
Ghee (also known as clarified butter) is pure milk fat. It contains no lactose and no milk proteins, and for that reason it is generally well tolerated by most people, yes even those who show an allergy to other dairy products, and GAPS patients. For the same reason, ghee does not burn in your pan like butter can.
Sep 3, 2013
Are You Stuck in a Food Rut? Here's my tips to get out
It happens to the best of us. We start out with great intentions. We are food lovers at heart after all. We crave the healthier food more often, and are happy to give in the some choccie here and there. We get creative in the kitchen, Instagram incredible looking dishes, that taste even better.
What happens when that food spark dulls a little?
Aug 29, 2013
When's the Best Time to Detox?
A few weeks ago I went along to a seminar called Toxic Planet all about detoxification and digestion. We spoke about the environmental toxins but in all simplicity of it, it came down to how we can best improve our own digestion and detoxification processes to deal with toxins most efficiently. Yes we can avoid toxins in plastics, non-organic foods and by avoiding highly polluted areas... but we can't avoid all toxins living in the western 21st century.
Aug 27, 2013
In studying natural medicine, gut issues crop up all over the place and we see them in almost everyone. It's where most therapists look to heal first as the cascade of events that follow are usually nothing short of miraculous. Our gut has everything to do with digestion of our food, but it is also inextricably linked to our liver health and function, our gallbladder, our pancreas, stomach acidity, how well we absorb the nutrients we are eating, our efficiency and ability to detoxify daily, our happiness and moods, ability to think properly, immune health, and so much more.
Aug 22, 2013
10 Tips to get your brain working top-notch whilst studying

Over my years as a student (which I have to say have been more than the years I have not been - even if I discount school years) I have learnt a thing or two (some the hard way) about what works best and what should really be avoided if I am to have the best brain power. Sure some of these are no-brainers (no pun intended) but in times of assessments piling up, exams lurking, work and other life activities to get too, stress and poor memory signs... I know it's too easy to let a good brain-food-rich diet slide. So, I've compiled the best of the best (for both you and me) nutritional ways to get you through your studies with flying colours.
Aug 20, 2013
Oils Ain't Just Oils - Which ones to cook with / drizzle with / moisturise with and why...
There are so many oils you can buy these days that it's no wonder it gets confusing as to which one to buy for what. Olive oil was always the staple in my place, and that has now changed to coconut oil. But what about all the other amazing oils we could get our hands on?
Aug 15, 2013
Are you treating a Symptom or the Cause?
More and more I see and interact with people who are wanting a greener version of a pharmaceutical drug (Disclaimer here; I read those last few words in a text book recently and was like "ooooh I LOVE that analogy" and so here my friends, I just used it!).
Aug 13, 2013
Need health advice? Ask Yourself... No-one knows your body better than you
This has been a looooong lesson learned for me. That I know best. Those are big words right? It implies that we trust ourselves. That whatever decision we make will be perfect. That regardless of what everyone else says will work, if we feel so strongly that it's not for us, being brave enough to roll with that feeling, contrary to every body else.
The biggest part of why I have struggled with trusting myself for so long was because of a disconnection to myself. I could say it all begun with my parents divorce when I sat there very upset but telling myself "don't cry, don't cry, don't cry" for whatever reason I seemed to think was good enough at the young age of seven, but for all I know, it could have been even earlier. I was sad and felt to cry but made myself not. Incongruence at it's best. And from then on I taught myself how to master the art of hiding my feelings and disconnecting from my emotions.
This unfortunately also laid the path for what was to become a very strong dis-connect from myself. Eating disorders, depression, binge drinking... these all appeared and stuck around for a good few years because I was incredibly 'not-attached' to myself. I know this may sound ridunculously stupid, by being 'not-attached' to myself I simply mean that my thoughts and my body were never on the same page.
I felt hungry, but didn't eat. Or I was full but kept eating. I felt unhappy but tried to mask it. These still, to this day, cause me minor hiccups every now and then as I often look at the clock to see how long it has been since I last ate, as hunger and fullness signals get muddled up from years of ignoring them all.
But over the years I have gotten better at re-connecting with myself and allowing myself to feel everything I never used too; hunger, fullness, pain, saddness, happiness and more. And in the process of doing so I have begun to hear and feel the little nudges and whispers I get in direct relation to my health; my own journey, what is great for me and what is not, and everything that encompasses.
+ Like feeling that turkish bread will bloat me - but eating it anyway, and of course, getting bloated.
+ Being told my daily coffee enema would aggravate my colon more than help my liver (which needed support) - I stopped them and have felt nauseous most days since.
+ Wanting to join a female bootcamp to meet friends on arriving to Cairns last year, but knowing it was not the best as I was trying to heal adrenal fatigue - well I got worse, almost pulled out (didn't coz of stubborness and not enough self love though) and ended up putting on weight.
+ Knowing somewhere within me that nothing would heal my acne except learning to love and accept myself - not that this made it any easier; it's still a work in progress (having said that, plenty of things have made great improvements in my skin, but even through science-based studies, and knowing the physical and physiological reasons for acne and how to treat it, I simply know they are not my answers)
At the same time, it can be a bloody tough slog realising that we are our best teachers. Hopefully it's only initially and will get easier (I'm still new to this too remember). Sometimes we want to heal and correct something right now and so go about trying, ingesting, and changing everything we can. Even if we know deep down there's a lesson here and it won't go away instantly, we continue trying everything we can.
Think of the overweight woman who has tried every diet, every personal trainer at her gym, every supplement known to shred, every tea to help boost her metabolism, every tapping technique, hypnosis technique, portion sizes, even meal times. All the time having no luck, and in fact knowing that her issue has nothing to do with the food but everything to do with the whispers she is getting about the need to love herself just as she is (and then the weight will magically fall off - no joke).
Additionally, and I know this one too well, when we really want help with something but fail to find anyone who can really help us. As if that isn't a sure enough sign that you've gotta work it out for yourself! We either don't believe what we are feeling intuitively or are too scared to follow it. But I've heard and read time and time again about people who after years of seeking help, end up trusting their gut and healing themselves of cancer, autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, you name it, simply because they could never find someone who could help them with their condition.
Does your gut tell you that the best exercise right now is to do nothing, yet you're too attached to your routine that you don't listen, only to get an injury next week or go further downhill with fatigue?
It's not miraculously easy to just begin trusting your gut and knowing that you are your best healer - or we would all be doing it right? But we can at least practice day by day. Ask yourself "what would I like for lunch?" and see if you get anything back. Next time you're at the markets hold an apple in one hand and a banana in the other. Which one feels lighter (and no, I don't mean by weight)?
These little questions and experiences get us in touch with our body and it's innate wisdom so that when we are presented with bigger things, we will still feel, see, hear the sensations so we can trust our gut.
If you (think you) don't know why you're always bloated, sit with it, as I'm sure you'll get some sense of an idea (you might just not want to accept that you have to ditch your beloved dairy).
If you still have no clue why you've had eczema for 10 years, and no doctor has helped you, feel into this one. Something is sure to come up, if it hasn't already but you've chosen to ignore it.
As an almost-qualifed-Nutritionist, of course I can help you with many things as I have learnt so much through my studies and truckloads more through my own experiences. But only YOU will already know more about YOUR body than I ever will. So trust that girl. Sure an apple is super healthy... but if you feel sick eating it, and only you will feel this sickness, then stop eating it, no matter how many people tell you it's good for you.
Christie xx
Fancy a weekly round up of my blog posts, plus extra goodies only found in my newsletter? Then sign up here and you'll be seeing me every Friday in your inbox :)
Aug 8, 2013
REVIEW: Paleo Cafe Cairns
WARNING: Amazing food pics below...
Last week I decided to get down to the Paleo Cafe in Cairns for lunch with B and friends, to see what the place had to offer. Having only ever had an almond milk hot choccie there before (but eyed off their cakes every time I walked past), I was eager to see what their menu was like.
The cafe seems to have close to every table full whenever I wander past, and from the menu, I could only assume why - everything sounded amazing!
And so we started with what we knew - coffee. Only better. Bulletproof coffee! Have you heard of this yet? It's kinda gaining attention in the fitness world as a better-than-coffee-coffee. And I have to say I am a fan. B has done a youtube clip on it here if you wanna try making your own, and here is a longer vid in much more detail as to why people are loving bulletproof coffee and why it may actually be really good for you....
This was B's lunch - a Thai green papaya and cashew salad which he added a salmon steak too. Of course I had little nibble and yep it was pretty darn good. Green papaya has a great texture to it for use in salads, and mixed with fresh rocket, capsicum strips, zucchini ribbons and bean sprouts, we licked the plate clean!
This is what I ordered - as did one of our friends. I was tossing up between this and the salmon with veggies and sweet potato mash... but I think the fries and the fact the fish is local got me. One thing I love about living in Cairns is the abundance of fresh fish. Our local seafood place sells mostly local caught fish and for all we know, it likely came off the boat that morning! The dukkah was crunchy and very fragrant (a little chilli would have had be drooling) and their home-made tartare sauce is by far the best I've ever tasted! Oof yumoo!
This pad thai dish was a special of the day, and it appears to be on the menu this week as well - clearly a crowd favourite. The clear noodles that look like rice noodles are in fact made from sweet potato (rice isn't technically 'paleo'). We didn't believe them so the chef brought the packet out to show us. He says they get them from the local Asian grocer and they're cheap as chips! This had the delicious chilli I love, with punchy prawns bursting in your mouth, and all the trimmings of a real pad thai.
And then for this - just give me a sec -
This carrot cake has to be the most delicious looking cake ever (to me). Carrot cake has always been a favourite of mine - and yes even over chocolate cake. The moistness, with juicy sultanas and crunchy walnuts, and always a delicious buttery icing. But this one was even better. This icing is made from cashew nuts, almond meal and honey (from memory) so it's totally super good for you (in small doses). The cake also is bursting with amazing ingredients as listed below. Add a bit of bicarb and that is all that is in this cake. I have wanted to taste this for over 6months - I'm not kidding. Twice I went in, they were out of it. And then I was in Thailand for 2 months. So when I saw this in the display cabinet... SOLD!
And only after that I saw this dessert walk past me onto someone else's table. Hello. Excuse me. What on earth is that?!?! The dessert special. Yep ok hunny, we're sharing two desserts. Chocolate creme brulee! Paleo style! Meaning no dodgy sugar or dairy cream! This is made with coconut cream and honey. Wowzas! Of course my eyes had decided on getting this even before I knew what it was and boy-o-boy was it delicious!
Served with CocoLuscious strawberry coconut ice cream and fresh strawberries....
The perfect ending to a great lunch with friends.
Find the Cairns Paleo Cafe (the first official one in fact) on Facebook here and their brand new blog with amazing looking recipes here. And watch out Australia, a little birdy told me Bondi Junction and Brisbane are rolling out as we speak.
Christie xx
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