Last weekend I was at college for 3 days immersed in a "Vision and Purpose" module. And personally, I was EXCITED to get clear(er) on my own Vision and Purpose.
I had my packed lunch, pens and paper (tissues provided thank goodness), and BEAMED on in to see all my soul sisters for another weekend together.
We pondered questions on what we each feel Called to do, How we want to live, What matters to us most, What we ache for... and did visualisations to take us all deeper.
We looked at things we want to be Letting Go of and things we are now Letting Come.
So to back track a little... Not longer than a year ago, I remember writing down (on numerous occasions) everything I wanted more of in my life. I had loooong lists;
yoga, meditation, playing in my kitchen, reading personal development books, journalling, going away on retreats, etc etc etc (I could go on)... basically looking after MY AUTHENTIC SELF in all the ways I knew nourished me. Things that were good for me. Things that I enjoyed. Things that made me smile. And with that I suppose I always wanted to have a clear VISION for myself. Get back to the basics and the rest will fall into place.

Over the course of the weekend there was a subtle sort of CLUNK that made me realise I am infact living and walking my VISION right now! I'm living it everyday! I'm doing everything I used to wish I had more time to do;
I READ everyday - be it personal development, raw nutrition, health and wellbeing, or Italian romance fiction that whisks me off, up and away to the land I love oh so much. Sigh ;)
I go for a morning run, an aerobics class or do yoga everyday.
I always find the time to JOURNAL my thoughts, my feelings, and I LOVE this time to myself.
I'm STUDYING something that I really love.
I'm MEDITATING daily (still a work in progress at times).
And meeting new amazing exciting beautiful people!!
I'm no longer working full time hours at a job I only half-enjoy.
I have space and time to go away on Seva retreats and indulge in silence. Stillness.
I PLAY more and more in my kitchen making love to the creations of food.
I go to organic markets. I'm BLOGGING! I'm growing my nails - and painting them PINK!
I'm WORKING ON ME! I'm doing all the things I've wanted to be doing for so long. I'm HAPPY. I'm EXCITED. Full of energy and LIFE!!
I'm living with VISION. I'm living MY VISION. Everyday.
"VISION" doesn't have to be a "destination" to get too. Why can't we begin living WITH VISION from NOW?
My PURPOSE - It's why I'm here. It's what I'm here to do. When I'm on PURPOSE I'm on track. I feel it. My PURPOSE is to help others. My PURPOSE is to give and to educate. My PURPOSE is to live my VISION.
My MISSION is to continually CONNECT with this. DAILY. And to keep LIVING IT. To keep on PURPOSE; on track. To live with VISION, to live MY VISION and to live MY PURPOSE.

Three words of advice... FOLLOW YOUR BLISS :)
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